Equipment available in our OKNO location:
X2 Profoto D1
X1 Profoto Air Remote
X1 Profoto Octabox
X1 Profoto 2x3 softbox
X1 Profoto zoom reflector
X2 white shallow umbrellas
X1 LCD 1000W light panel
X1 ARRI 650W hot light
X1 rolling stand
X1 medium roller
X5 c-stands w/arms
X4 light stands
X1 crossbar
X3 v-flats
X4 sandbags
X2 full apple boxes
X1 half apple box
X1 clear plexi
X1 blue+orange plexi
X1 circle reflector
X1 tripod (magnus)
X2 saw horses
X4 power strips
X4 extension cords
X1 fan
X1 clothing Z rack
X2 steamers
X1 full-length mirror
X1 bluetooth speaker
X1 white high makeup chair
X1 pink couch
X1 purple chair
X1 purple ottoman
X2 painted prop boxes
Equipment available in our LUSTRO location:
X2 Profoto D1 strobe
X1 Profoto Air Remote
X1 Profoto Octabox
X1 Profoto XS Octabox
X1 Profoto 2x3 medium softbox
X1 Profoto extra small softbox
X1 Arri 650 W continuous light
X4 C-stands w/arms
X1 cross bar
X4 light stands
X1 Profoto umbrella
X4 V-flats
X4 extension cords
X4 sandbags
X3 apple boxes
X2 power strips
X1 clothing rack+steamer
X1 full-length mirror
X1 Bluetooth speaker
X1 green couch
X1 green footstool
x2 black leather high chairs
x1 vintage green/black chair
Equipment available in our SOSNA location:
X2 Profoto D1 strobe
X1 Profoto Air Remote
X1 Profoto 2x3 medium softbox
X1 Profoto beauty dish
X1 Profoto umbrella (large)
X1 Profoto umbrella (small)
X2 Profoto zoom reflectors
X1 ARRI 650W
X1 rolling stand
X6 c-stands
X2 light stands
X1 8x8 silk (one stop)
X5 V-flats
X2 sawhorses
X3 stingers
X3 power strips
X6 sandbags
X2 apple boxes
X1 clothing rack+steamer
X1 full-length mirror
X1 Bluetooth speaker
X1 Blue Velvet Couch
X1 Blue Velvet Footstool
X4 White metal chairs
X2 high makeup chair
X2 Vintage MCM Woven Chairs
X1 metal stool
X1 wooden bench
Please email us if you need:
extra steamer, clothing racks, hangers, folding tables, chairs, muslin + painted backdrops
We can work with you to add vintage furniture pieces + lighting/grip to your booking